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Rewilding Pleasure

Nov 15/2021

Learn to fully inhabit your body again.


This 6 week online course is a call to come home to your body, your power, your pleasure. 



  • You identify as a woman (Trans or cis or on the she/they spectrum. While this course is specific to woman identified, a version of this course will be offered soon for all genders or I'm happy to offer you recommendations for non-binary or trans colleagues)

  •  You feel in a rut or locked out of pleasure

  • You struggle to communicate around sex

  • You want more for your life but aren't sure how to access it

  • You struggle with  boundaries (what they are, how to express and honour them)

  • You find yourself enduring your life (and sex)

  • You feel like you're obligated to have sex with partners

  • You get overwhelmed by big feelings easily

  • You want to live a bigger bolder life

  • Your body wants more play, pleasure and joy

  • You desire to lead your life with curiosity

  • You want to powerfully create your life and relationships on your terms

  • You want to feel more at home in your body

  • You’re longing for deeper more meaningful relationships



I'm Kat Nantz


I'm a somatic sex coach who's passion is bringing more pleasure and freedom to folks who've experienced trauma(Hint! This is most of us!).

It is an incredible privilege to be a trusted guide in this work.

I feel deeply honoured to hold folks in their most tender moments, to return them home to their own inner wisdom and medicine, to witness them in their bravest and scariest moments of becoming

I offer this work because it transformed my life, completely. This course offers some of my most powerful tools, exercises and wisdom and I am thrilled to be offering it virtually.



This course is about honouring the story that your body is telling.


It's a journey toward restoring your wholeness.

This course will invite you to...


Challenge pleasure oppression.

Repair ruptured boundaries.

Reclaim your body and desire through somatic awareness.





Restore power.

Heal and transform pain and trauma through powerful somatic exercises.

We will find the medicine in your story.


Build your capacity to invite more pleasure into your body and life.

Begin to create a BOLD life entirely on your own terms.

Saying yes to ourselves is a radical act of self love.


Being bold and saying yes to the things you really want, long for, desire, is a huge part of coming home to ourselves.


When we choose healing and pleasure, we are claiming our life as our own.


In a world that drowns us in responsibilities, to-do lists, and messaging that tells us we are unworthy of a wild, bold life; choosing yourself is seriously brave work.


This is your reminder that your one big beautiful life is yours to claim.

Pleasure, joy, play, growth, healing, all yours.


A life on your terms, a life filled with more pleasure and play is possible.

Pleasure and curiosity are your birthright. 

In this 6 week course you will...

Course Format...


  • Learn how to stop having the same fights over and over

  • Build your capacity to feel the big stuff and move through it

  • Gain a better understanding of your nervous system and the role it plays in pleasure, relationships and life.

  • Restore, maintain and negotiate your boundaries

  • Challenge pleasure oppression and where it shows up in your life

  • Explore where you're locked out of pleasure

  • Up-level your relationship communication skills

  • Become skilled at reading body language 

  • Learn how to build your capacity to invite more pleasure into your body

  • Learn to experience the healing potential of  s e x

  • Begin to heal from toxic somatic shame

  • Rebuild trust with yourself

  • Learn skills in renegotiating trauma through movement, play and  s e x

  • Create a bolder more wildly pleasurable life 


  • 6 live zoom classes (Nov 15, 22, 29, Dec 6, 13, 20)

  • 6-9pm   (recorded for those unable to attend)

  • This course is very body based, meaning we explore all the concepts through movement, sound, voice, choice, play and touch

  • Somatic  exercises to take into your life

  • Private group community with volunteer support

  • Two weeks of group check ins after course

Daily Breakdown...

CLASS ONE: Nervous system wisdom, inviting the body into the healing/repair process (hint: this is why no matter how much we learn, we still struggle with the same things! Because the body drives the bus) how to re-negotiate trauma and why leading with curiosity is important.  


CLASs Two:  Finding the freedom in your NO. Repairing boundaries and our internal sense of safety through body awareness and touch exploration. Playful conflict, building more capacity for conflict, rejection and disappointment.


CLASS three: Finding your own medicine through body wisdom and learning the story of your body.


CLASS FOUR:Unwinding Pleasure oppression. Orienting toward pleasure and freedom in your life. Finding your YES! Unlearning the ways we've been taught to repress pleasure. 


 CLASS FIVE: Expanding and deepening into the body's capacity for discomfort and pleasure through somatic practices, body awareness, voice and choice.


CLASS SIX:Boldly claiming your body and desire as your own. Prioritizing play, joy and pleasure.


$555 CAD (plus HST) Full One Time Payment (If you need a payment plan, please reach out. Happy to make this work!)
$855 CAD (plus HST) VIP for those wanting to do a deep dive with additional 1:1 deep care and holding. This option is great for those who are new to this kind of exploration or have a sense that they will need additional support beyond what is possible in a group setting (three 1:1 sessions)

Sliding scale spaces available (limited). Black, indigenous, disabled and trans women will be prioritized.
There are reparation spaces being held as FREE admission for black and indigenous women who would be unable to attend the workshop otherwise, please email me if you're interested at

Refunds are not issued if canceling within 4 weeks of course start date. In the event of an emergency, please contact us as soon as you're able. If you choose to back out of participating for whatever reason, I'm happy to transfer your credit to another workshop, program or coaching within the next year. Any cancellations less than 10 days prior to the event are subject to forfeiting full investment. 


Love from clients...

Want to get a feel for who I am? Have a listen to these podcast interviews I'm in.

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Enjoy! As always, reach out if you have questions.

Join the Rewilding The Feminine Facebook community for sisterhood, support, healing, and wisdom.


         Guelph, On            


Photography by Mirror Form Photography

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